We’ve reached the fever pitch of the holiday season. With just over a week to go until Hanukkah and Christmas, last-minute shoppers are frantically running from store to store — or, more likely, clicking like mad to complete their online shopping. And if your customers are like one of the 110 million monthly users on Pinterest, then they’ve probably got gift ideas pinned, sorted, and stored on Pinterest’s “idea board” site.
We’ve written before about harnessing the power of the platform with Pinterest analytics and Promoted Pins, but what about Buyable Pins? While Buyable Pins are nothing new, tracking the performance and seeing user reviews of those Pins is new. And here’s what you need to know about it.
Tried It
Just like local listings or other review sites (we’re looking at you, Yelp) users can now review Pins by clicking Pinterest’s new “Tried it” checkmark. Once you click “Tried It,” you can then select “Loved it” or “Not for me” and provide additional feedback. Not only will these new reviews help other users know that the Pin has been tried, and whether or not it’s worth pinning (or even buying) but they also offer business owners valuable customer feedback which can then be used to improve their product, service, or experience. Being able to track Pins that have been tried adds another layer of tangible data to your analytics. Bonus!
Loved It
Want to try it for yourself? Read the full article from TechCrunch on Pinterest’s new “Tried It” feature — or click on over to Pinterest directly to have a look!
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